Core Evolution is a professional analytical body-oriented therapy, and couching, counselling and training system in integrative psychology.
The Core Evolution Training provides a comprehensive understanding of the essential being of a person and the recognition that life energy is expressed through our Core—the wellspring of all healing, joy, creativity, and wisdom.
The Core Evolution Trainings unifiy knowledge and intuition, science and the wisdom of the heart, psychology and philosophy, with mindfulness, empathy and compassion. We explore the interconnectedness of life processes as they manifest in the unity of body, emotions, mind, will, and consciousness.
The Core Evolution Training uniquely encompasses teaching and personal process, which enables the participants not only to study and learn, but also to experience and practice the work. In experiencing the teaching, participants will develop a deeper understanding of their own growth and competence in the professional application.
The Core Evolution Training addresses the wholeness of the person – the personal qualities and unique potential. From this trust in our inherent power of love, goodness, creativity and capacity for self‐healing, we address the obstacles a person faces to freely unfold these qualities and move toward self-realization.
The Core Evolution Training honors the essence of a person as an inherent quality as well as a process, and attends to a person’s process with professional knowledge, care, research, competence, intuition, empathy, mindfulness and presence.
The Core Evolution Training invites you to study in a group of people of different personal and professional backgrounds who all share the call to work with people. There are counselors, body-oriented therapists, managers, consultants and others, who all wish to expand their energy and consciousness, and express the human potential as much as possible.
The Core Evolution Trainings provide the basis for a deeper understanding of the interrelationship of energy and consciousness. Core Evolution, also in the form and expression of parents, caregivers, society, culture and others, affect our personal development, our interactions with others, influencing our perception of reality and how we structure the complex foundation of our social behavior.
Research confirms that energy emanates from all living systems. We live in a field of energy and consciousness. Every human being has a particular energetic constitution based on the interaction of genetics, biology, body physiology, and his or her personal and social environment. To lead a person, a group or an organization to deeper insights, we got to become aware of the multidimensional reality and address life’s topics accordingly.
Contemporary research on mind-body interaction and early childhood development, afect regulations and attachment theories have brought us to new understandings about personal development, reaction patterns, intra- and inter-personal meanings, mobilisation and expression of energy.
The Core Evolution Trainings address our multidimensional reality. Siegmar and Cornelia Gerken have developed its theories and practice out of the experience and insights from the following approaches::
Practitioners are sometimes in a misconception about body-oriented therapy. They frequently assume that strong emotional expressions, touch, or hands-on bodywork would be the primary focus.
The focus is on life and its many expressions and flow of energy. The expression of feelings and movement of the body are part of this flow. Therefore it is essential to understand the dynamics and full spectrum of human expressions.
With the understanding of the energetic principles of this training, a practitioner can choose, depending to his or her background, to work with a person in a multitude of ways:
The trainings are conducted and applied in the following ways:
Throughout all training meetings, the teachings contain theoretical material, personal experience, creative expression and movement, meditation, and the practice of mindfulness.
You can read further about the structure and content of the course in the syllabus.