Personal development is a process which begins from learning to know yourself and respecting yourself as you are at the moment. It contributes to the ability to consciously analyse our experiences in the past, to understand where we are coming from and what we have taken with us. The 4-year course of transpersonal counselling and hypnotherapy is the opportunity and the place, where you can learn to live in bigger harmony with the world, with yourself and your needs and restore the broken connection with your essential being and vital force. If you need some motion and change in your life – something that you might have been longing for, but have always found reasons and explanations, why it is not possible at the moment, then allow this for yourself now. It is possible to pass through the course with the purpose of personal development and also to fulfil the requirements of transpersonal counsellor training, which in addition to auditory participation, includes different written tasks, practising, analysing the different aspects of them and supervision. Graduates of the course have a deeper awareness and sensitivity to a world, that has become more versatile for them.
You are not required to have previous theoretical knowledge of psychology. You only need curiosity to learn about yourself deeply on the levels of your identity and soul and expand the levels you have acquired in your life so far. Everybody is welcome to attend this course, because we are certain, that every person has a hidden potential for development and inner pressure for it to surface. It is not possible to ignore it for a long period. We are able to create a life for ourselves, which is deeper and more meaningful than before. It is difficult to do it alone, but in a caring and supportive environment it becomes a process, which brings enjoyment and change.
The structure and methodology of the transpersonal counselling and hypnotherapy course is focused on improving the student’s and their close ones’ ability to live a more fulfilling life – increasing emotional wellbeing and adaptability, decreasing fatigue and stress, clarifying the meaning of life and getting better at finding solutions when you have a life crisis.
The effectiveness of the course is based on transforming the belief systems of the students – in individual human growth and development. The techniques are acquired in the process. Or the opposite – doing conscious self-therapy while practising the techniques. Students will acquire theoretical, practical abilities and experience, which help to explain why people behave in a certain way and they will create therapeutic dialogue in a way to always be capable of adapting to the client’s needs. The course teaches students to deal with the person, not the symptoms.
The student, who is learning to be a transpersonal counsellor, needs a thorough and comprehensive practical experiential training, which includes demonstrating, practising and analysing the skills and different approaches. Firstly, this kind of training needs to include all-round acquisition of psychotherapy theories and methods. Secondly, it needs to provide skills and abilities to use different psycho- and hypnotherapeutic techniques individually and creatively. The theories and techniques need to be accustomed to a person, not the opposite.
By connecting psychological science, art of philosophy and effectiveness of hypnosis, hypnotherapy-psychology is an innovative and effective therapeutic approach, which helps the client to look deeper from their current problems and understand their identity as a whole. This gives the therapy process a new psychological quality, which encourages the client to evaluate the different aspects of their life adequately and to find inner strength and creative ways to improve their lives with the help of a counsellor.
The whole curriculum is based on the experiential principle – firstly, personal experience about one or another theoretical subject using practical exercises and secondly, the theory. In the third year supervised counselling practice takes part. It consists of 10 consecutive sessions in the same trio-group (therapist-client-observer), to gain experience of the inner dynamics of long-term therapeutic work and the effect of it in the roles of a client or a therapist. Content and overview of the training program can be found in the curriculum of “transpersonal counselling and hypnotherapy” (see also here).
If You:
then this course, which brings development and changes, could be the next step on Your journey.
What is the worst, that could happen, if You take this step?
What is the best, that could happen, if You take this step?
What happens, if you leave everything in your life the same way, as it is at the moment?
How will it be like in 3 years?
In 10 years?
Is life only aging or is life growing to express yourself all-round? It is your choice.
Come and experience, how chaos turns into order and clarity, complexity turns into simplicity and peacefulness appears from nowhere, yet spreads everywhere.
The course will take place at 8 Ahtri street, Tallinn, on the premises of the school, once a month at the following hours: Friday 14-20, Saturday 10-18 and Sunday 9-17.
Time: 10th-12th Oct 2025.
Price: 1st module 200 euros, of which 50 euros non-refundable registration fee. The rest of the modules are 250 euros / month.
Location: Ahtri 8, VII floor Tallinn. On the premises of Erakool Teadlik Mina.
The first module can be taken also as a separate seminar. For more info see here.
NB! If You are not sure for yourself if this course is for You, then attend Jure Biechonski’s counselling and you will get the right feeling!
Additional information: Phone +372 56 450 677 and info(at)
Auditory curriculum is set to be once a month on weekends as 3-day (Fri-Sun) curricular modules on the school premises in Tallinn at the address 8 Ahtri Street (VII floor). Friday at 14-20.00, Saturday at 10-18.00 and Sunday at 9-17.00. It is possible to meet up and practise every week between the modules, in the evening practise group of the school.
The working language is Estonian. English-Estonian and Estonian-English translations are provided and study materials are in Estonian (or in English if needed.)
The tutor and main lecturer of the course is the school’s founder and counselling psychologist Jure Biechonski. Some of the subjects and therapeutic approaches are taught by several other internationally acclaimed trainers and therapist-practitioners from all over the world: Rebecca Sears, Angela Lattimore, Ofra ayalon, Judith Hendin, John Rowan, Siegmar Gerken, Tom Barber.
There are 11 modules in one curricular year: 10 curricular modules and 1 optional module. Students choose the optional module themselves during the curricular year – they will either take part in the body-mind seminar in March or Kääriku summer seminar-camp in July. Completing one optional module every curricular year is equivalent to school modules taught by guest lecturers, which means it has to be completed, if you want to receive a counselling training diploma.
Course starting in 2025: tuition fee for the first year is 2450 euros (the 1st module for 200 euros and 9 modules for 250 euros). The modules that have been missed also need to be paid for. For years 2, 3 and 4 the tuition fee is 2500 euros (10 modules for 250 euros). In addition to the school modules, there are open seminars and the students have to participate in 4 of them during 4 years. The open seminars are paid for separately.
If you pay the yearly tuition fee all at once, you get a 10% discount. The reduced tuition fee is counted starting from the second module and the total sum 2025 (2250-10%) euros has to be paid by the beginning of the second module. For years 2, 3 and 4 the reduced tuition fee is 2250 euros (2500-10%).
The prices include VAT.
Returning income tax
The school has registered an economic activity notice in the Estonian Educational information system, which gives the students an opportunity to transfer training fees to private person income statement and to request returning of income tax. For more information, click here.
We have submitted an economic activity notice for conducting complementary training for adults (see more here). Adult training law §13 defines, that
(1) Employee and an official (henceforth as employee) are given, according to request and educational institution’s note, study leave of 30 calendar days in a calendar year, to take part in formal educational training or supplemental training institution’s enforceable supplementary training …
(3) During the study leave, given for taking part in adult complementary training in formal educational institution and in the aim of professional self-completion, an employee is paid the average calendar day-based study leave for 20 calendar days, as imposed in the order based on work contract law § 29 8th cut …
If you need a reference from the school about taking part in the training, inform us on the address info(at) If you need a reference for each module separately, then send us a notice before or after the module – as you have agreed in the workplace.
Study contract fixates the agreements about the content and form of curricular work and tuition fee between the student and the school. The contract is temporary and is made after the first open school module for one curricular year. There are 11 school modules in one curricular year. The student has to pick one of the optional modules, either mind-body seminar in spring or the summer seminar. School break is in July and August. The student has the right to end the contract one-sidedly.
Dear friends,
We are starting the training group for the 14th transpersonal psychology and hypnotherapy course. The course is going have a duration of 4 years. The auditory part of the curricular work takes place once a month as 3-day modules.
In the studies you acquire knowledge and practical skills in hypnotherapy (also hypnoanalysis and hypno-healing), psychotherapy and counselling psychology. It is an experiential course, where the newest and the most innovative approaches in psychoneuroimmunology, transpersonal and existential psychology are worked through – which is why this is the first and only course in the world, where psychology, medicine and philosophy are not looked at as different disciplines, but looked at as a whole.
If You want Your life to be interesting and full of challenges, You wish to create a better future for the world with your work, bring changes to Your life and the others around you, then this will be the start of a career that is exciting and offers constant opportunities for self-development.
With warm greetings and excitement,
Jure Biechonski
Founder and head of the school