The Team

Jure Biechonski

Creator of the School and the curriculum

When I looked at the political, social, economic, and spiritual world around me with an aching heart, I decided to embark on a journey of learning, self-study and awareness. I discovered some answers in transpersonal psychology and it became my mission to introduce it into this world.

Compassion, connection, serving and love. Teach, but mainly learn how to create a world based on co-operation and compassion, in which every human being cares about one another – where everyone feels as a part of the whole.

Read here about Jure’s professional background.

Kadri Aru

Information Manager

I came to study in this school myself in 2014. I liked what was doing professionally but I was yearning to make the world a better place. Also, I ran into the same kind of patterns with people and I needed help in order to change.

In this school I have learned to open up more. It has also helped me to make important decisions in life and to connect to people on a much deeper level. Self-development is a life-long process, sometimes courage and patience are needed to work with painful issues, but I can say that here you have a safe environment for embarking on this journey.

I have been working for the school as information manager since 2015. I hold a master’s degree in English philology from Tallinn University and I have over 20 years of work experience in organisation and management. I am fluent in Estonian, English and French.